In operation since 2006, Wolf River Ghost Society (formerly Fox Valley Spirit Hunters) is a ghost investigation team based in Kingman, Arizona. We originally started as Fox Valley Spirit Hunters, based in east central Wisconsin but have relocated.
There are never any fees for investigations.
We utilize a combination of methods. Mostly we use technology such as video and audio recording but will sometimes combine it with intuitive methods. We find that this technique will often produce the most interesting results. We do not utilize psychics or sensitives except as adjunct investigators. Our final evaluation of an investigation will only include physical evidence gathered technologically.
WRGS investigators have also worked with or consulted for more than a half dozen other groups based or formerly based in Wisconsin.
We believe in Para-Unity and are willing to assist other teams in their investigations with full confidentiality. In return, we may ask other teams to assist us on occasion as we are a married couple and may need extra help.
For more information, please message us through our contact page.
Katie and Keith Kintner are a married couple who started with East Central Wisconsin Paranormal Investigations in the mid-2000s and later moved on to form their own investigative team, Fox Valley Spirit Hunters. The team name was later changed to reflect the beautiful neighboring Wolf River and we have retained the name here in Arizona.
Katie is a 25 year library technician who has worked in three different institutions of higher education. Keith is a former TV/Radio engineer with a deep knowledge of technical broadcast equipment. Together we are Wolf River Ghost Society.
Yes, we ARE Packers fans! GO PACK!